Monday, April 28, 2008

a song to listen to

Cinta Dalam Hati by Ungu

Sunday, April 27, 2008

errr.. random post la..

been surveying phones..
gotta look tru everything... check budget..
and i saw this one...
W760 from Sony Ericsson...but its *coming soon*! ish... i hate waiting la.. though it maybe worth
it.. STILL.. no patience..

probably getting myself nokia express music phone..
dont want to spent so much.. coz its mua $$$! =P

few days ago a long lost friend called! =D i was so excited to hear from him! almost half a year i did not get any news from him you know! baru i tahu he lost his phone. he's all happy and gay in NATIONAL SERVICE! im such a lousy friend for not forgetting... sorry ya. and he told me he found his soulmate there!!! O_O SERIOUS???? i took that as a joke la... i was laughing so L-O-U-D though he sound so serious... i apologise ya. but dont tell me you really did found the "right" gal there? haha

besides that insane fren, i was sick two days ago.. stomach ache! =( not *premenstual sydrome* ya. i hate when i get sick.... that made me loose my mood to start baking... =( ish...
so.... no CUPCAKES no MUFFINS no COOKIES! i made konnyaku jelly though, you want? ;)

Friday, April 25, 2008


bua buai yew koh.... T_T

yew koh, sharon jie jie and samuel leng zai we will miss you! i dont know what else to say..
my family and i definately will miss you guys LOADS! all the best in australia! till we meet again probably two years later? or... perhaps a suprise visit to your place? ;)

love u guys!

and ohya.... samuel!!! you better remember this jie jie here who always play hide and seek with ya!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Driving lessons and errrrr... a new hobby?

looks like i forgotten to update everything about my driving lessons after i gotten my L licence on the 4th, if im not mistaken..
the first lessons was awesome!! really good! though i got a little scared when the instructor ask me to drive home after the ONE hour lesson! i repeat.. ONE hour!! O_O but.. havta believe in myself la... what to do! i wasnt as terrified as expected. it went pretty smooth! *smiles*

NOW.... ive done eight hours already! and i do think im gonna be a "pemandu berhemah" in the future! mwahaha so..... dare to take a ride on a car i drive? be mua first passenger? u??? *evil grin* wait till i pass la

and oh.... my new hobby! im into baking now! hehehe unbelievable? need advise from XinYun definately! better share some secret ingredients and skills from ya great baking talent! and yo... cousins!!! amy and ling! holidays.. come to my place and we shall play with flours and eggssss!! baking class with sauli, the not so good one! =P i cant imagine how messed up the kitchen can get! remember ya?!!

tmrw... going to get ingredients to start my new hobby! kakaka
i wonder how my first muffin will turn out! i will only tell if its edible la.. if im not talking about it, then dont ask la k?

for now... cheers =)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hope Its True

AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)

This really is your week, although the unsettling feelings troggered by the recent Full Moon may be confusing things. Since you're seeing things none too clearly now, do the minimum. Within a day or so, you will know what and who is most importantand, equally, what isn't.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Another Full Moon

what does the title reminds you about? *stop and stare at it now*
nothing??? nevermind...

to me? HUGE meaning...
BUT im telling the whole wide world now... that i DO NOT care anymore! full moon or what-so-ever! its just a bright yellow moon! damn it! its over.... FULL STOP! dont you ever message me or call me or whatever la.... i dont even wanna face you anymore! leave me alone and i'll definately be a better person.. without you!

"Leave (Get Out)" by JOJO

I've been waiting all day for ya babe
So won't cha come and sit and talk to me
And tell me how we're gonna be together always
Hope you know that when it's late at night
I Hold on to my pillow tight
And think of how you promised me forever
(I never thought that anyone)
Could make me feel this way
(Now that you're here boy all I want)
Is just a chance to say

Get Out, (leave) right now,
It's the end of you and me
It's too late (now) and I can't wait for you to be gone
'Cause I know about her (who) and I wonder (why) how I bought all the lies
You said that you would treat me right but you was just a waste of time (waste of time)

Tell me why you're looking so confused
When I'm the one who didn't know the truth
How could you ever be so cold
To go behind my back and call my friend
Boy you must have gone and bumped your head
Because you left her number on your phone
(So now after all is said and done)
Maybe I'm the one to blame but
(To think that you could be the one)
Well it didn't work out that way

Get Out, (leave) right now,
It's the end of you and me
It's too late (now) and I can't wait for you to be gone
'Cause I know about her (who) and I wonder (why) how I bought all the lies
You said that you would treat me right but you was just a waste of time (waste of time)

I wanted you right here with me but I have no choice you've gotta leave
Because my heart is breakin
With every word I'm sayin'
I gave up everything I had
On something that just wouldn't last
But I refuse to cry
No tears will fall from these

love of your life? perhaps..

my nails are GREEN now! cool leh.. =P

regarding to my emo title.. lets just say some things are meant to left unsaid but.... i just cant take it anymore! i wanna blow wei!

first cut is the deepest? i know everyone agrees with me..
somehow.. its JUST so hard to move on.. i know... i know.. its so easy to tell others whose going tru the same thing just by saying "he/she is not worthy la... move on!", but... everything i do seems to relate to you.. errrr! why la....?? *totally understands your situation justin* (but i dont know why im advising you la) haha..

when i pass by those places we used to hang out together... memories of the past being with you never seem to fade. so CLEAR.. so happy.. so............... the messages... the songs... the pictures..
i used to think that you were the one... THE ONE! so naive of me at this age? probably im not the only one when it comes to your very first love.. i thought i knew him well.. a little too well perhaps?

i really dont know how to write this.. but my fingers arent stopping abit!
im already in tears now.. and im definately a person who seldom cries.. did he just changed me?
i think the answer is clearly a 'YES'! he did... both positive and negative! i think differently in every aspect now and dont trust OTHERS! he is one influential person.. ive learned alot too! one of those is learning how to take the bus! lol

but........ why is he moving on so fast? was his love for me as true too? i mean.... what was he thinking when i said "it"? why he never tried to at least do something to save it?

why cant i? why cant i move on just like him! seems so easy for him... what is pulling me back? i'll to answer that soon.. hmmm... for now... zZZZZ *late you*

part two soon*

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Guilt is taking over me!

Im so sorry guys... =(

i cant go on vacation with you all... if its cancelled i know im the one to blame. im soooo sorryyyyyy!! truly am.. =(

Friday, April 11, 2008

Happy 17th Birthday!


you are finally 17!! =)

a really good friend of mine.. always there to teach me add maths and chemistry (maybe it could be because he is really proud of having miss christina, his chem and also his fav teacher)
so he kinda want to spread her "knowledge" in chem to all of us!

joking la..
he's a really thoughtful person.. maybe he should consider becoming a chem teacher someday! he really CAN teach! way better than "our ex" teacher! oppsss...

he's so busy working now and stuffs like that... didnt even time to celebrate his birthday!! what la...
tak apelah.. u tak celebrate i JIMAT PRESENT! =P

im actually very thankful to have a friend like you! =)
have a great day!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


For 5 months i have not been waking up early! great... i cant make it to a record of 6 months straight! grrr.. thats because i have to read! i have a test! UNDANG TEST! mwahaha

woke up 6.30!! percayalah! i usually wakes up at 12! gegege XD
read for an hour before heading to my uncle's place. blablabla...

reached that place to do my test. kinda small. went into the "room" to do my test. questions were like.......... eh?! so familiar one.. all those i read this morning!!! they even have two exactly repeated questions! LUCKY ME! was giggling throughout the "clicking answer process".. (coz i thought i wouldnt pass earlier) but wasnt loud la... HAHA

done in 15mins! syokkk.. but my uncle advises me not to go out before anyone does... so... i just kept on checking and checking..

THEN! do you know that you can bribe those ppl there in order to pass your undang test? not fair right? but then of coz you have to spend a certain amount of $$$ la and kesian those who cant understand bm really well.. its tough for them..

And i witnessed it! hmmm.. coz i was kinda "patt".. overheard.. lol a particular person actually comes into the "room" and practically did all the questions for you.. all you have to do was just sit, click your ic number and click "tamat"! no joke! i got the info from the real person who paid to pass! you see la.... malaysian LA!

i almost forgot.. I PASSED! =)

went straight to the theory and amali lessons.. it was BORING!
halfway through.. he lecturer caught me sleeping! O_O i was soooooo tired la! cant blame me

lecturer: orang belakang yang tidur tadi itu tolong jawab *eyes straight on me*
the sleepy me: huh? O_O
lecturer: di manakah anda boleh tahu capasiti angin yang boleh dimasukkan ke dalam tayar dalam sesebuah kereta? (something like that... cant really rmbr)
me: *stare at him while EVERYONE else stares at me* errr... dunno >.<

so embarrassing you know...

but at least after that i get to make friend with a guy who sat next to me.. he almost slept too.. but i did before him la! >.<

3 hours of theory was hell...
3 hours of amali is much better despite being under the sun! and i did not SLEEP! =)

and the end of the day...
a nice sweet msg from a person gets me into smiles again! thanks ya *hearts*

i got tagged...

Instructions: Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

1.Do you believe in love at first sight?
Definately not! love is all about communication between two love birds... dont tell me you can communicate with your eyes... hmmm

2.Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Italy! such a mysterious place.. romantic too

3.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
do i believe?! its science la... ive seen alot of times already

4.What are you afraid to lose the most now?
Those who i care most...

5.If you win $1 million, what would you do?
WOW! ill take $100,000 for my own lil shopping spree.. the rest... to my parents la... i dont know how to invest the ca$h and stuffs like that.. no use keeping it.. right?

6.If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Depending on how much i love him... but not possible... i dont usually do that

7.List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
She's a crazy fella!! she fight with me for nicholas teo! lol just kidding gal! she's a really caring person.. if u really need someone to talk to she'll be there for you.. plus, this gal is really f to be with.. wont get bored around her! =) thanks gal for being there for me

8.What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Caring, understanding, loving, smart! =P

9.What annoy you the most?
People who makes fun of others behind their backs!!!

10.Which do you prefer from your other half? hug? or kiss?
A kiss after a nice warm fuzzy hug... =)

11.Will you choose a guy who is good looking but not that smart or a guy who is not that good looking but quite smart?
Its just like beauty or brains? brains la... as brain ages it gets wiser but not the beauty! you get what i mean..

12.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Thing?! ermmm.... for now.. my bed! *dont laugh* its very important you know?!!!

13.Will you join politics?
my fav!!!!! of coz... its the most interesting thing ever! was thinking of getting myself to study political science! =)

14.Are you a shopaholic or not?
Heeeeeheeeee... kinda i guess

15.If you have a chance. Which part of your character you would like to change?
MY emo side.. =(

16.What's on ur mind right now?
Finishing all this questions asap.. =P

17.What's the last shocking thing you've seen or heard?
My bestie has found a guy which im not so convince.. but anyhow is her choice la..

18.What is the nicest moment that ever happened in ur life?
errrrrrrrrr..... i cant think of it... so sudden... ermmmmmm....

19.Do you believe that love can be everlasting?
Well.... it depends...

20.What will you do today if tomorrow Earth is gonna be destroyed?
Jump on a roller coaster! go for bungee jumping... overcome my greatest fear of heights! and of cos.. be with my love ones.. family and frens...... sobs

im tagging you:
huei wenn
jia von

Sunday, April 6, 2008

MU lost???

no la..... MU mana boleh kalah... =)
i kalah la....
an interesting night watching football with the guys and xy...
the best part is not the match...
it was after that...

dad called RIGHT after the match saying he reached jun kit's house to fetch me.. and i wasnt there!!! (that's because we were suppose to watch football there til justin came... he wanted to change venue... so off we go... to ajimal... that stupid ajimal fella later turned off that bloody thing cause it was drizzling! then we pulak....... MOVE again.... move where pulak?? kuchai lama!!! lol)

so.... i cant get to junkit's house on time when he came... kena screw!!!!! it was quite interesting though... i father was shouting so loud on the phone that i have to put it away!! even my friends got to hear what he said! WOW!!! but... i biasa d la...

once i got into his car............ *history la* hahahahhaa

now slight headache... but i need to read my undang bible la! undang test tmrw.. haven touch at all! how??? =(

aiya... tmrw morning la.... =)

Friday, April 4, 2008



such a lovely song...
spells my current mood...
HMMMM... *hearts*

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Current mood: SAD...... =(

sleepless nights these days... i wonder why....


im SICK again.. sobs...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

when you least expected it


*screw it* kena fool from someone! ish... you better jaga sikit ya! u know who u are! XP

today in history *only the ones i know la....*

leslie cheung past away five yrs away ago on this very date! i thought it was a joke five years back. WOW! its already 5 years! well... according to newspapers he died because he was having some mental disorder and decided to jump down from a hotel.....! what a pity.. he was famous back in the 80's wei... R.I.P


back to my story! =P

i had my undang lessons today! its called the KPP (kurikulum pendidikan pemandu) =.= never knew...

i thought it was gonna boring or probably i would had slept half-way through...

BOY.... i was so wrong!

arrived at this dunno what place. registered. bla bla bla.....

went into the class... "leacturer" in... put on some gross video of some creepy accidents where you can see *u know* =S my phobia wei!! GROSS! that was how the lecturer begind his lesson i guess... EWW

rain fallsssss......................... THEN.......................................


it was like WHATTTT?????!!! =.= aiyoyo

when you least expected it!!!

imagine loud thunder and lighting strikes! youre in some kinda place that you didnt even know anyone there... and suddenly got stuck in the darkness!!! *faint*

which made me think even more of the ghost movie i watched last night before i slept! =S

skip scary parts....

the happy side is im done with the five hours!

next week undang test. pls pass! no time to retake.

form 6 starting early this year!

its a new beginning!!!

oh gosh.. i started a blog!!! it was just a sudden thought. and........ *BOOM*here look! i made a blog! XP


i start it right on time for a new beginning! APRIL the first... hahaha

had a pretty rough march. one the worst month of my life! major changes happen during last month too! how grateful am i now that it is april. (i bet u ppl wouldnt have guess that i anticipated april so much!)


a brand new start! =)

more to come!!!