Monday, June 30, 2008


mid valley with my gals last weekend~
guess who drove us! =P

i dislike queues! but i love nanny diaries! that movie rocks! that "Howard Hottie" is so irressistable! =D what was his name, hueiwenn?


Do u know that there is a store named ART FRIEND in the gardens where you would find DOZENZZZZZZ of pretty things there?! it seems like heaven for some people... esp emily and hueiwenn! =)

you guys should take look!

The items below are threats!! yumz! i wanna SEW!
PENS!!! no excuse for dull black n white assignment papers

errr~ no sure wat was it.. but its colurful la~ XP

whole row of brushes! oh my~



these are the best!!!! the shades of pinks available are really preeeeetty!

the future artist~ look out for hueiwenn~

look like some walk in wardrobe! hehe i wasnt allow to take pictures in any way~ everyone should just check it out! the Gardens 3rd floor! =)

ps: thanks hueiwenn for that green blouse! its really prettttttyyyy!!! i love it! muaxX

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