Tuesday, April 1, 2008

when you least expected it


*screw it* kena fool from someone! ish... you better jaga sikit ya! u know who u are! XP

today in history *only the ones i know la....*

leslie cheung past away five yrs away ago on this very date! i thought it was a joke five years back. WOW! its already 5 years! well... according to newspapers he died because he was having some mental disorder and decided to jump down from a hotel.....! what a pity.. he was famous back in the 80's wei... R.I.P


back to my story! =P

i had my undang lessons today! its called the KPP (kurikulum pendidikan pemandu) =.= never knew...

i thought it was gonna boring or probably i would had slept half-way through...

BOY.... i was so wrong!

arrived at this dunno what place. registered. bla bla bla.....

went into the class... "leacturer" in... put on some gross video of some creepy accidents where you can see *u know* =S my phobia wei!! GROSS! that was how the lecturer begind his lesson i guess... EWW

rain fallsssss......................... THEN.......................................


it was like WHATTTT?????!!! =.= aiyoyo

when you least expected it!!!

imagine loud thunder and lighting strikes! youre in some kinda place that you didnt even know anyone there... and suddenly got stuck in the darkness!!! *faint*

which made me think even more of the ghost movie i watched last night before i slept! =S

skip scary parts....

the happy side is im done with the five hours!

next week undang test. pls pass! no time to retake.

form 6 starting early this year!

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